Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Adjustment

Well, I had my first adjustment yesterday, 8/24/10. It went okay. I was ready for it because I was getting HUNGRY!!! The nurse at first was having difficulty, but as soon as she went to get the doctor and he walked in, she got it. It was okay. It wasn't scary at all. By their scales, I lost 2 pounds since last week. ugh!!! I know it's a process, but I thought I lost more than that. Being on the liquids again was not bad after the adjustment. I am finding now that it is easier to not drink while I eat, but I'm forgetting to go back now and drink something! It will be an hour later and I will realize I never had anything to drink after my meals! How weird is that? Especially from someone who loves to drink liquids. I don't feel much difference and I was told that if I don't feel any difference by Thursday, tomorrow, to call them so I can come back in on Tuesday for another adjustment. Everything feels the same, so I will be calling to come back next week.

I am getting a lot of compliments from everyone about how much weight I'm losing. The majority of people don't know the specifics of what I went through to get here. So I just respond, "Thank you. I am trying hard to get some of this weight off and be healthy" or "Thank you. I'm trying." something to that effect. Like I said when I started this journey, only my husband, mother and cousin knew. I have told one other person and I learned my mom told her two best friends. One of her best friends actually called me and wanted to know more because she is interested. Go figure...


Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm Encouraged

I am encouraged. I am continuing to lose the weight, not as fast as I would like, but my husband tells me "it's not going to happen overnight." But oh, how I wish it could :-) I am satisfied with my results, but I am definitely ready for my first fill! I am finding that I am becoming more hungry each day so it is time. I was told I can scheduled something sooner. I am scheduled for next Thursday for my first fill. Anyway...I am ready for it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 week follow up

Today I had my 2-week follow up appointment. All went well. I have lost 24 lbs. by their scale. I was told I am doing well. I am definitely encouraged. I was given information about the regular food schedule and when to begin. I have been doing well, but I am starting to feel that "I'm still hungry" phase. So I will be ready for my 1st fill! I am moving and exercising on the treadmill, but can't wait until I can return to Zumba and swimming! Those are my favorite forms of exercise at this time and I feel like I'm missing out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Losing the Weight

Well, it has been great to hear from others that I "look like" I'm losing weight. I finally got on a scale and it said I weighed 245! I'm happy with that number. This was on Tuesday. I'm trying not to obsess with the scale too much. Anyway, I reached my goal tonight of doing 30 minutes on the treadmill. Every night I add 5 minutes. Especially since I was told I should be up to 30 minutes of exercising by my f/u appt. next week. It wasn't too hard. I was watching Law & Order and reading a magazine at the same time. So the time flew by, but my legs were killing pain, no gain I guess.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Soft Diet

Well, I start my soft diet tomorrow and I am definitely ready to add something. It's been a rough week being on the liquid diet. Not because of the liquids itself, but I know I'm an emotional eater. My biological father died Saturday morning and I have really wanted to eat! I have been doing okay. My biological father and I had started to reconnect this year as he had been absent fromm my life. I was raised by my stepfather since I was 2 or 3 years old, who I have always considered my "daddy." He was the one that was always there for me no matter what and dared anyone to call me his "stepchild." Anyway, my biological father and I had been communicating more lately. We weren't as close as he wanted us to be, but we had at least gotten to the point where I could tell him I loved him and meant it. It was hard talking to him at first because I felt that I had not missed out on having a father, it was his loss for walking out on me and my mom. However, I have found as an adult, I had to forgive him in order to move on, which I did. So while it is sad that he passed, I find peace in the fact that we were able to communicate again and he was able to tell me how proud he was of my accomplishments with my career and family. Other siblings that grew up with him are having a really hard time and my heart goes out to them. Being with them and seeing and hearing them cry and grieve has been rough, but I have had to be the strong one and comfort them. My younger sisters grew up in the home with him and their mother, so they were the closest to him. They lived in the same city..Jacksonville, a few hours away from me. My father's birthday would have been tomorrow, 8/2/10. In addition, one of my brothers had surgery earlier in the week and has to go back under again tomorrow, 8/2. So there have been things going on, which have made the liquid diet harder. I have persevered and tomorrow I can start soft foods.

I also walked for 15 minutes on my treadmill this evening. This is the first "real" exercise I have done since the surgery on Monday, 7/26. Sure, I walked up and down the floor after surgery and came home and walked outside. I even walked from my house to the clubhouse, which is only 2-3 houses down..LOL. But this was my first part of getting back into my exercise routine I had started before surgery. Before surgery I was up to 30 minutes on the treadmill with an elevated incline, Zumba classes at the gym, and water aerobics including laps in the pool. I was told I should be back to 30 minutes of exercise by the time I come in for my 2-week doctor visit, which is next week. My goal is to be at 30 minutes on the treadmill by mid-week.

So on I go..pressing forward to my mark. I still have not been on a scale. I think I will go and buy one!