Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Adjustment

Well, I had my first adjustment yesterday, 8/24/10. It went okay. I was ready for it because I was getting HUNGRY!!! The nurse at first was having difficulty, but as soon as she went to get the doctor and he walked in, she got it. It was okay. It wasn't scary at all. By their scales, I lost 2 pounds since last week. ugh!!! I know it's a process, but I thought I lost more than that. Being on the liquids again was not bad after the adjustment. I am finding now that it is easier to not drink while I eat, but I'm forgetting to go back now and drink something! It will be an hour later and I will realize I never had anything to drink after my meals! How weird is that? Especially from someone who loves to drink liquids. I don't feel much difference and I was told that if I don't feel any difference by Thursday, tomorrow, to call them so I can come back in on Tuesday for another adjustment. Everything feels the same, so I will be calling to come back next week.

I am getting a lot of compliments from everyone about how much weight I'm losing. The majority of people don't know the specifics of what I went through to get here. So I just respond, "Thank you. I am trying hard to get some of this weight off and be healthy" or "Thank you. I'm trying." something to that effect. Like I said when I started this journey, only my husband, mother and cousin knew. I have told one other person and I learned my mom told her two best friends. One of her best friends actually called me and wanted to know more because she is interested. Go figure...


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