Thursday, July 29, 2010

Liquid Diet continues

Well, so far I have been doing okay with this liuid diet. Yesterday was the first time when I smelled the food my family was eating that I actually wanted some! I almost broke and went in the kitchen and discovered they had eaten every drop! It was a blessing in disguise! LOL. I purposely do not join my family when they are eating so I won't get tempted. I am eagerly and anxiously waiting on next week so I can start my soft food diet! I have been walking a lot. I can't wait to get back to my old (new) exercise routine I had started before the surgery. I really enjoy going to the Zumba classes and went to the last one on Saturday. I know I can't get back into that any time soon, but can't wait. I will start walking slowly on the treadmill, but I have to make sure my husband is around because the treadmill folds up and I can't pull it out on my own right now. The soreness is still there, but wearing off and not as bad. I am able to walk a little straighter and doing ok for now.

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